Building Healthy Kids

I quite often get the question asked by parents “Do kids need a chiropractor?”. The simple answer is yes but it depends on your definition of “need”. If we want to build healthy kids then we it would make sense to provide the body what it needs to genetically express health and wellness. This is… View Article

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

You may have experienced some sort of “out of body” experience in you life, but the fact remains that our brain is connected to our body. The brain controls every function of the body but it is not a one way street. The body can have a huge effect on the brain. Staying fit and… View Article

What If Your Spine Was On Your Face

My spine on my face? Sounds stupid but my point is that we tend to take better care of things when they are visible and able to see when problems are developing. Or on the flip side, “Out of sight out of mind”. If you had your spine on your face it would be comparable… View Article

Dancers Helped By Chiropractic

For those of us that just think we can dance, or for those of us that are actually good at, you may find this video quite interesting. No I will not be dancing in the video. Remember all you parents out there to have your kids spine and nervous system checked, regardless if they have… View Article

Chiropractic Helping Runners (video)

Athletes of all sorts push their bodies to the edge of what it can handle to optimize performance and achieve personal bests.  Sometimes when pushed to far for to long problems can develope.  Just like “where there is smoke there is fire” when someone has a problem or better discribed as a dysfunction of the… View Article

Better Sports Performance With Chiropractic (video)

Driving a sports car in a race seems crazy to do if the steering did not work properly, the same concept can be true with our bodies.  Athletes push their bodies to the limit and in many sports coordination and balance are key ingredients to performance outcomes.  Our brain is responsible for coordinating every process… View Article

Kids and Chiropractic In The News

Good to see some positive publicity in the news about some of the benefits of having a child’s spine and nervous system checked. The bottom line of this is is that no matter how old you are if you have a spine and nervous system, the better they work the better you work.  Your brain runs… View Article

Chiropractic And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I am often confronted with people in the office who have wrist, hand and even forearm pain that they automatically assume that it is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Check out the video below to get a little better understanding of what carpal tunnel syndrome is and how chiropractic can really help with these symptoms. [youtube][/youtube] Chiropractic is not a “cure” for anything. It does not add anything to your body it simply removes blockages that prevent your body from working at 100% function. When the body is functioning properly the chance of symptoms, sickness and disease are severly decreased and the body has the best chance to resolve old problems. Have your spine and nervous system checked today to ensure your brain is communicating with your body at 100%.