Dr. Aaron Cain
Sitting and Back Problems (video)

Sitting and Back Problems (video)

If you have ever been to my office you may have noticed the sign that says "sitting rots your spine like sugar rots your teeth".  Many people who have health issues or back pain get confused when a problem seems to arise for no reason.  I typically hear people say "I...

Red Meat, The Healthy Meat (video)

Red Meat, The Healthy Meat (video)

The title might throw you off a bit, due to all the negative attention that red meat has gotten over the years, but when you start to look at the real science behind the health benefits of red meat it becomes clear that it should be a staple of a healthy diet.  The...

Learning From the Wisdom of the Elderly

Learning From the Wisdom of the Elderly

In the movie Dumb and Dumber, actor Jim Carey stated “old people, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose”.  Now I don’t want to get into the driving habits of people some may consider old, but according to some new research we can...