For those of us that just think we can dance, or for those of us that are actually good at, you may find this video quite interesting.
No I will not be dancing in the video.
Remember all you parents out there to have your kids spine and nervous system checked, regardless if they have any symptoms or not. You don’t just take the kids to the dentist if they have tooth pain do you? Regular checkups make sure that their teeth are growing strong and healthy. Chiropractic is the same, except we deal with the “master control” center of the entire body and help to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system and spine. When your teeth fall out you can get false teeth. When your spine rots away, what are you going to do?
As the CEO of Fish Creek Chiropractic, a family chiropractic office, Dr. Cain has created a program that has helped thousands in the Calgary community to optimize their brain-body connection, eat better, move more and create a healthier state of mind. He maintains a busy family chiropractic practice, and finds time to implement the principles and practices of Life By Design in his own life.